Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekend Recommendations!

Sticking with the music theme this week, only these aren't musicals in the strictest sense.
 Once is a beautiful love story that isn't a love story. Two people meet on the street, one a street performer, the other a immigrant from somewhere, I don't remember. Did I mention this take place in Ireland. The two form a bond over his music and they both end up helping each other through their problems. Great music and a great story, you should see this with your significant other.
 Across the Universe is an interesting way of taking beautiful music, putting a story to it and making a sweeping film that makes your heart soar. The story is simple. Several friends trying to live and survive through the turbulent sixties. The twist comes that the story is told with the help of Beatles songs. Not only do they break out in song but the dialogue is rife with lyrics from their songs. A beautiful movie with a great story. Again, see this with your sweetie.
Alright, next week I will try to get back into some gore and mayhem. Until then... go, watch, enjoy!

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